Star City Studio Productions is a professional recording studio located in El Paso, Texas and attracts musicians, producers, podcasters and engineers for all genres. The Tom Hidley designed tracking rooms provide superior recording environments.
Studio A
The heart of Studio A features the Solid State Logic (SSL) AWS 900+SE console, combining classic analog technology with comprehensive Digital Audio Workspace (DAW) control hardware in a single work surface.
- Solid State Logic (SSL) 24 track 900 Plus recording console
- Tannoy Precision 8D mid-field monitors
- Tom Hidley custom designed far-field monitors, refurbished
- Joe Meek Pre-amp
- 2 Orban Parametric EQ (x2)
- UREI Parametric EQ
- Universal Audio LA-3A Leveling Amp
- UREI 1178 Dual Peak Limiter
- DBX 160 Limiter
- Valley Audio Mic Pre-channel strips (x4)
- Universal Audio 2-1176 LN Limiting amplifiers
- Universal Audio 2-610 tube pre-amps
- Joe Meek mic pre
- EVENTide Harmonizer
- Lexicon PCM 43
- Yamaha Rea 7
- Yamaha SPX 90
- Lexicon PCM 91
- Alesis ADAT Recorder
- Tascam DA-40 Recorder
- Neumann M149T tube mic (x3)
- Neumann TLM 103
- KM-84 condenser mic (x2)
- Neumann U89i condenser mic
- Neumann U87ai condenser mic
- Soundelux e251c condenser mic
- Sennheiser MD 441U condenser mic
- Sennheiser dynamic guitar cabinet mic
- Shure SM58s mic
- Shure SM vocal mic
- Electro-Voice RE20
- Realistic Highball
- AKG 414 (x2) condenser mic
- AKG C414 XLII (x2) condenser mic
- AKG 452 condenser mic
- Fender Clip-on mic
- Sennheiser MD 421
- Sennheiser MD 504 (x2)
- Sennheiser E602
- P2M mic
- C 7oo Crown mic
- Shure SM57i (x6)
- Shure BETA 57
- Sennheiser E602
- Sennheiser E906
- AKG D112
- Shure SM81 (x2)
- Beyerdynamic Ribbon M160
- Sennheiser E835 (x4)
- ProTools HDX system
- Apple MacPro 3.7 GHz Quad Core 16GB RAM computer
- Apple 27-inch Cinema monitors (x2)
- Apple wireless keyboard and mouse
- Stylus
- Wave Platinum
- EZ Drummer
- Universal Audio
- Izotope
- ProTools (HDX and versions up to v.10)

Studio B
Studio B provides an intimate and creative vibe to create, program, and record offering high-end equipment, analog clarity and the benefits of ProTools, Logic, Abelton and instrument libraries.
- Universal Apollo Quad UAD 2,
- Universal Apollo UAD Quad 4-chip FireWire DSP
- Euphonix 8 fader Control with EuCon,
- Mogami Cabling
- Focusright Voicemaster Pro
- Coleman Audio QS8 controller
- Neumann KH120 near0field monitors
- 2-Shure SRH440 headphones
- L.A. Audio mic Pre-Amp
- Neumann M149T tube mic (x3)
- KM-84 condenser mic (x2)
- Neumann U89i condenser mic
- Sennheiser MD 441U condesner mic
- Sennheiser Dynamic Guitar cabinet mic
- Shure SM58s mic
- Shure SM vocal mic
- Realistic Highball
- Neumann U87
- AKG 414 (x2)
- Fender Clip-on mic
- 421 Sennheiser
- 504 Sennheiser (x2)
- P2M mic
- C 7oo Crown mic
- SM57i (x6)
- SM BETA 57
- Sennheiser E602
- AKG D112
- Shure SM 81
- Beyerdynamic Ribbon M160
- Sennheiser E835
- ProTools v.10
- Apple MacPro 8-Core 2.4 GHz
- Apple 27-inch LED Cinema monitors
- Apple Wireless keyboard and mouse
- Stylus
- Wave Platinum
- EZ Drummer
- Universal Audio
- Izotope
- ProTools
- Komplete 11
- Slate
- Fab
- Filter
- Logic
- Omnisphere
- Trillian
- Nugen
Studio C
Studio C is our largest room and it is used as a recording space as well as a beautiful venue for live shows and streaming. We have integrated Studio A’s classic SSL console to capture the amazing open big room tones created by the high ceiling and brick walls for live concert recordings. The live room was designed to make drums and other acoustic instruments sound huge and also allow for the flexibility in ambience that many other instruments require. We can comfortably accommodate up to 120 guests which enables you to create and capture a true live concert experience.